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#capitalism #exploitation #alienation #labor #workingclass #proletariat #capitalists #capital #bourgeoisie #oppression #wealth #class #taxes #parasites #trump #trumptaxes
Capitalism is just as terrible in theory as it is in practice.
#capitalism #exploitation #alienation #labor #workingclass #proletariat #capitalists #capital #bourgeoisie #oppression #wealth #class #property #privateproperty
"We’re gonna organize and dedicate ourselves to revolutionary political power and teach ourselves the specific needs of resisting the power structure, arm ourselves, and we’re gonna fight reactionary pigs with international proletarian revolution. That’s what it has to be. The people have to have the power: it belongs to the people."
- Fred Hampton
Born on this day 72 years ago.
#fredhampton #birthday #bornday #history #capitalism #exploitation #alienation #labor #workingclass #proletariat #capitalists #capital #bourgeoisie #oppression #classstruggle #internationalproletarianrevolution #power #politicalpower #allpowertothepeople
The fetishization of property (capitalism) is historically intertwined with the dehumanization of black lives (white supremacy).
The police exist to enforce these values via state-sanctioned terrorism.
Whiteness empowers itself through these values and enthusiastically assists the state with brutalizing human life in defense of the almighty, property.
[Art by @denny_ow]
#capitalism #capitalists #government #exploitation #alienation #labor #workingclass #proletariat #capital #bourgeoisie #oppression #wealth #class #property #whitesupremacy #whiteness #amerikkka #racism #policebrutality #police #stateterror #jacobblake #kylerittenhousemurder #blacklivesmatter #blackliberation
When the people rise up, no amount of force can stop us. Ignoring systemic oppression and retreating into a bubble, or worse yet justifying oppression with racism and classism, will not shield you when everything comes crashing down. In the end, either justice is realized or we all burn.
#capitalism #capitalists #government #sham #bourgeoisie #oppression #wealth #class #race #proletariat #workingclass #exploitation #alienation #labor #racism #whitesupremacy #blackliberation #blacklivesmatter #police #policebrutality #amerikkka #resistance #liberation #internationalproletarianrevolution #freedom #kenosha
#capitalism #exploitation #alienation #labor #workingclass #proletariat #capitalists #capital #bourgeoisie #oppression #wealth #class #stockholmsyndrome #wageslaves #bootlickers
"The essence of capitalism is to turn nature into commodities and commodities into capital. The live green earth is transformed into dead gold bricks, with luxury items for the few and toxic slag heaps for the many. The glittering mansion overlooks a vast sprawl of shanty towns, wherein a desperate, demoralized humanity is kept in line with drugs, television, and armed force." - Michael Parenti
#capitalism #exploitation #alienation #labor #workingclass #proletariat #capitalists #capital #bourgeoisie #oppression #wealth #class #luxury #poverty #degradation #dispossession #environment #michaelparenti #commodification #dehumanization #control
#capitalism #exploitation #alienation #labor #workingclass #proletariat #capitalists #capital #bourgeoisie #oppression #wealth #class #proletariat #enclosureacts #land #property #privateproperty #history #coercion #eugenics #family #children #community #survival
#capitalism #exploitation #alienation #labor #workingclass #proletariat #capitalists #capital #bourgeoisie #debt #credit #state #internalcontradictions #workers #consumers #racket #creditscheme #consumerism #chargeoffs #bankruptcy
#capitalism #exploitation #alienation #labor #workingclass #proletariat #capitalists #capital #bourgeoisie #oppression #wealth #class #police #state #violence #privateproperty #freedom #sham #media #school #lies #surpluslaborvalue