
“Trump’s America” IS America

It's important for us to understand that "Trump’s America" IS America. There is no differentiating. As a matter of fact, based on the country's history, Trump is about as "American" as it gets - greedy, racist, classist, misogynistic, corrupt, dominating, controlling, sadistic, elitist.

America is a settler-colonial nation that was built on the backs of Native genocide and African enslavement, continuing into modern times through intricate systems of institutional white supremacy. The founders of this country were elitists and aristocrats who used their wealth to dominate others while arranging a system of immense privilege for those like them. It is a capitalist country that has been built from the toil of the working majority for centuries - masses of people who have received very little (and continue to receive very little) in return. It is an imperialist country that has bombed, colonized, and obstructed democratic movements throughout the global south and middle east for over a century. It is a misogynistic country that waited 150 years before allowing women to vote, confined women to second-class status after, and continues to breed patriarchal values that are dangerous to working women in everyday life.

"Trump's America" IS America.

Trump has continued to oversee the corporate coup started under Reagan and carried forward under the Bushs, Clinton, and Obama - a coup that is merely an inevitable late stage of capitalism, whereas wealth and power have been concentrated into a fusion of corporate governance and creeping fascism.

Trump has continued America's illegal and immoral wars abroad, same as his predecessors.

Trump has continued "starving the beast," following the neoliberal blueprint of the last 40 years by siphoning public funds into private hands.

Trump has continued the mass deportation policies implemented under Obama.

Trump has continued the attack on civil liberties started under W. Bush in the wake of 9/11.

Trump, in his role as president, carries the torch of draconian, racist, classist criminal justice policies created under Reagan.

Trump carries the torch of mass incarceration and austerity policies created under Clinton.

Trump has continued serving Wall St. and his pals/donors in the profit industries, like all of his modern predecessors.

Trump, like all presidents before, SERVES CAPITAL - not people.

He may not be the polished statesman that we've become accustomed to - those who exhibit "stability" and "civility" while acting as the figureheads of systemic brutality - but make no mistake: Trump is as American as it gets. However, "America" is largely a myth in itself, something fed to the masses from above by the wealthy and powerful few who have always demanded our loyalty despite their everyday crimes against us and our class counterparts the world over. Most Americans are despised by those who run the country from their pedestals, those who benefit from its brutality, those who gouge us at every turn, those protected by an ever-thinning, reactionary, "middle-class" buffer.

To rid ourselves of Trump and all he represents, we must rid ourselves of "America" as we know it - the myth, the systems it facilitates (capitalism/imperialism, colonialism, white supremacy, patriarchy), and all of the severity that comes with it. This is a hard truth to accept, especially since it goes against everything we have been conditioned to believe. But it is a truth that must be understood and dealt with if we are to ever win a just world.

All power to the people.

Calibrating the Capitalist State in the Neoliberal Era: Equilibrium, Superstructure, and the Pull Towards a Corporate-Fascistic Model

By Colin Jenkins

The following is Part one of a multi-part series, "Applying Poulantzas," which analyzes the work of Greek Marxist political sociologist, Nicos Poulantzas, and applies it to the unique political and economic structures found under neoliberalism and post-industrial capitalism.

Since the capitalist formation of relations between what is perceived as the 'public sector' and the 'private sector,' traditional nation-states and their governing bodies have played a major role as facilitators of the economic system at-large. This became a necessary supplemental component as localized economies, which were dominated by agrarian/plantation life, gave way to industrialization and subsequent mass migration into urban centers, thus introducing new industrial economies based in the manufacturing/production process. With the advent of wage labor came predictable outcomes of capital accumulation and a perpetually increasing polarization between the owning class and working class. And with this growing inequality came the notions of worker collectivization and unionism which, absent any equalizing measures taken by the State, were the only sources of hope for workers who quickly found themselves, their livelihood, and their family's well-being at the mercy of a rapidly fluctuating and exploitative labor market. Work was often hard to come by and, when it was available, the wages "earned" were barely enough to cover basic necessities like food, clothing and shelter - provisions which had long been commodified to create expanding avenues of profit for the owning class.

The inherent instabilities created by this economic system — a system that exists for the sole purpose of creating or maintaining individual/personal wealth (as opposed to preserving collective/societal wealth) — require components that act solely as stabilizers. Despite its shunning, the existence of society — or "the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community" — not only remains, but actually serves as the casing for which this system must rely on, or more aptly, capitalize from within. And because of this reliance, the instabilities and contradictions that simultaneously represent natural byproducts and threats become common growths as the result of a counterintuitive and inhumane arrangement, and must be kept in check through a delicate (though not necessarily intricate) balancing act.

In order to "balance" competing interests - in this case the "dominant" and "dominated" classes - the political sphere, a major element of the State apparatus, assumes a vital role. As such, Nicos Poulantzas, building upon earlier theoretical contributions from the likes of Antonio Gramsci, details the dynamic process whereas the state serves as a facilitator to the unstable equilibrium that is produced by the internally antagonistic capitalist system. Ultimately, through this act of facilitating, the state (by deploying its political power) negotiates a perpetual series of "compromises" in the form of economic "sacrifices" which are accepted as a necessity by the dominant classes; and which are precisely aimed at creating a limited equilibrium that ensures a minimal degree of social stability (maintained by the political superstructure) atop the inherently asymmetrical economic base.

Poulantzas explains:

"…political power is thus apparently founded on an unstable equilibrium of compromise. These terms should be understood as follows: 1) Compromise: in the sense that this power corresponds to a hegemonic class domination and can take into account the economic interests of certain dominated classes even where those could be contrary to the short-term economic interests of the dominant classes, without this affecting the configuration of political interests; 2) Equilibrium: in the sense that while these economic 'sacrifices' are real and so provide the ground for an equilibrium, they do not as such challenge the political power which sets precise limits to this equilibrium; and 3) Unstable: in the sense that these limits of the equilibrium are set by the political conjuncture." [1]

Gramsci tells us, "The life of the state is conceived of as a continuous process of formation and superseding of unstable equilibria… between the interests of the fundamental group and those of the subordinate groups - equilibria in which the interests of the dominant group prevail, but only up to a certain point, i.e. stopping short of narrowly corporate interest."[2] In other words, as the capitalist system naturally bends toward a corporate-fascistic state of being through the simultaneous developments of capital accumulation and mass alienation - thus forming structures of domination that extend from the economic base and into the political, social, and cultural realms - there develops a need to stabilize the fragile nature (in the sense that such imbalance is a constant threat to the societal structure at-large) of this system.

The need to maintain this equilibrium exists as long as a wholly functioning society is requisite for capitalist expansion - or, as long as worker-consumers represent viable targets of exploitation. In Political Powers and Social Classes, Poulantzas identifies certain measures that represent embedded concessions on the part of the owning class, carried out by the state apparatus through a systematic process that is relatively fluid and effortless (though, as Poulantzas points out, competing interests exist even within this elite bureaucracy). In recognizing the function of the state and its role atop the capitalist formation of relations, Poulantzas explains, "The notion of the general interest of the 'people', an ideological notion covering an institutional operation of the capitalist state, expresses a real fact: namely that this state, by its very structure, gives to the economic interests of certain dominated classes guarantees which may even be contrary to the short-term economic interests of the dominant classes, but which are compatible with their political interests and their hegemonic domination."[3]

Political systems based on grand "democratic" narratives like "representative democracy" and "republicanism," as well as Rousseau's "social contract," are ideal enablers for this societal arrangement. This is the very reason why liberalism and the modern adaptation of the "liberal politician" play such a crucial role in their opposition to the proto-fascist nature of "conservatism." Their superficially adversarial relationship represents the ultimate stabilizer as its reach is limited to the confines of the political superstructure. And, because it deals primarily with "social issues" (including passive measures of economic redistribution), it is ultimately relegated to directing the aforementioned "compromises" of the dominant class. It does not and can not transform the economic base (the capitalist hierarchy) as these compromises, while representing "real economic sacrifices" that are necessary to provide the ground for equilibrium, "do not as such challenge the political power which sets precise limits to this equilibrium."

"Democratic" systems which involve periodic elections of "representatives" to "public" office accomplish two important tasks in this regard. First, they create a façade of civil empowerment - a form of political compromise which gives the dominated classes the appearance of choice vis-a-vis universal suffrage. Second, they create a political sphere that, while completely fused with the long-term interests of the dominant classes (through its sole purpose as a facilitator), operates as a separate entity existing outside the economic base - a separation that is, as Poulantzas explains, both an exclusive and necessary element to the capitalist system. It reminds us of John Dewey's claim that, "As long as politics is the shadow cast on society by big business, the attenuation of the shadow will not change the substance." In the US, the two-party political system has proven extremely effective in this regard. Aside from differences on social issues like abortion and gay marriage, as well as socioeconomic issues like unemployment insurance and public assistance, both parties ultimately embrace capitalist/corporatist interests in that they both serve as facilitators for the dominant classes: The Republican Party in its role as forerunner, pushing the limits of the capitalist model to the brink of fascism; and the Democratic Party in its role as governor, providing intermittent degrees of slack and pull against this inevitable move towards a "corporate-fascistic state of being."

The distinction made between 'the political' and 'the economic' is important to consider, though these boundaries have seemingly blurred in the age of neoliberalism and the intensification of the merger between "public" and "private." And while Poulantzas insists this separation is inherent and theoretically unbreakable, he (along with Gramsci) may have underestimated the extent to which compromises may be reined in without destabilizing the equilibrium beyond repair. During the neoliberal era, there have been many developments which have pushed this long-standing balance to the verge of "narrow corporatism" and beyond, including factors related to technology and government surviellance, growth in the banking industry, the development of corporate media and intricate propaganda, financialization's role in supplementing monopoly capitalism, and the maturation of the international economic system and all of its mediating components, to name a few; but that discussion is for another place and time.

For the purpose of this analysis, we are focused on national electoral politics and political parties, and the specific role they play in maintaining the status quo - in this case, not only the capitalist hierarchy, but also the stage of monopoly capitalism which has come to fruition over the past few decades. The distinction between base and superstructure allows us to see how the political apparatus, through the actions of political parties, exists solely as a tool for the "power bloc." Furthermore, it allows us to divert from reductionist theories which attempt to highlight a singular cause, and move towards a more nuanced critique of the capitalist state, especially in the "pluralist" form that we see in the US and other "western democracies."

"As far as the terrain of political domination is concerned, this is also occupied not by one single class or class fraction, but by several dominant classes and fractions," explains Poulantzas. "These classes and fractions form a specific alliance on this terrain, the power bloc, generally functioning under the leadership of one of the dominant classes or fractions, the hegemonic class or fraction."[4] In this instance, even with a government that includes separate branches - legislative, executive, and judicial - and represents several interests, as in Robert A. Dahl's "polyarchy," the state still exists and operates on the foundation of a capitalist system that creates its own hierarchy. The members of this "political terrain" are not necessarily synchronized with one another when it comes to geography, special interests, localized interests, and priorities when maintaining the equilibrium, and they don't have to be. Despite these various pieces which make up the power bloc, in its own formation the base forces the political "superstructure" to adjust accordingly. This is why modern practices like "blanket financing" of political campaigns, which consists of corporations or private interests providing monetary support to opposing candidates and political parties in a particular election, have become so prevalent. Politicians, despite what their personal beliefs or aspirations may be, are put into power by the very hierarchy that depends on the economic base. Their positions of power cater to and are reliant on not only the power bloc which put them there, but the maintenance of the very system that allows them to stay there. Therefore, while they may possess some leeway in terms of pushing superficial agendas, their ability to do so is granted by the hierarchy extending from the economic base. Ultimately, in order to maintain its own existence, the political apparatus must protect the base - and is essentially designed (or is ever-evolving) to do so despite its "relative autonomy" which is "inscribed in the very structure of the capitalist state."

According to Poulantzas, by recognizing both the autonomy of the "state machine" as well as the existence of a "power bloc" which mimics society's pluralist form, it will "enable us to establish theoretically, and to examine concretely, the way in which the relative autonomy of the capitalist state develops and functions with respect to the particular economic-corporate interests of this or that fraction of the power bloc, in such a way that the state always guards the general political interests of this bloc - which certainly does not occur merely as a result of the state's and the bureaucracy's own rationalizing will."[5] This understanding includes "firmly grasping the fact than an institution (the state) that is destined to reproduce class divisions cannot really be a monolithic, fissureless bloc, but is itself, by virtue of its very structure (the state is a relation), divided."[6] Poulantzas continues:

The various organs and branches of the state (ministries and government offices, executive and parliament, central administration and local and regional authorities, army, judiciary, etc.) reveal major contradictions among themselves, each of them frequently constituting the seat and the representative - in short, the crystallization - of this or that fraction of the power bloc, this or that specific and competing interest. In this context, the process by whereby the general political interest of the power bloc is established, and whereby the state intervenes to ensure the reproduction of the overall system, may well, at a certain level, appear chaotic and contradictory, as a 'resultant' of these inter-organ and inter-branch contradictions.[7]

This "division," and these "contradictions," were never more evident than with President Dwight Eisenhower's 1961 farewell address and sobering warning against the rising "military industrial complex," which publicly displayed a major fission within the power bloc. According to Poulantzas, this splitting is irrelevant in the capitalist scheme of things because it remains, by design, autonomous from the base; and, therefore, will naturally work itself out to accommodate that base, whether through conscious coordination or through inherent process. In the age of neoliberalism and monopoly capitalism, the state has become highly concentrated out of necessity. In this sense, C. Wright Mills' assessment rings true:

As each of these domains becomes enlarged and centralized, the consequences of its activities become greater, and its traffic with the others increases. The decisions of a handful of corporations bear upon military and political as well as upon economic developments around the world. The decisions of the military establishment rest upon and grievously affect political life as well as the very level of economic activity. The decisions made within the political domain determine economic activities and military programs. There is no longer, on the one hand, an economy, and, on the other hand, a political order containing a military establishment unimportant to politics and to money-making. There is a political economy linked, in a thousand ways, with military institutions and decisions. [8]

This intertwined political economy exists within the superstructure. It's increased centralization, coordination, and synchronization over the past half-century has undoubtedly pushed the US government to the brink of a "corporate-fascistic state of being." In this development, the equilibrium has never been more delicate and fragile. The two-party system, thriving from the pluralist nature of both the electorate and power bloc, has proven efficient in carrying out trivial "concessions" that give "the economic interests of certain dominated classes guarantees which may even be contrary to the short-term economic interests of the dominant classes, but which are compatible with their political interests and their hegemonic domination."[9] The expansion of domestic militarization and the intensification of "austerity measures" have introduced a degree of "corporate-fascistic" torque unseen before from within a mature capitalist state. How far these embedded "compromises may be reined in without destabilizing the equilibrium beyond repair" remains to be seen.


[1] Poulantzas, Nicos (Timothy O'Hagan translating). Political Power and Social Classes. Verso, 1975, p. 192.

[2] Gramsci, Antonio. Prison Notebooks, p. 182.

[3] Poulantzas, Political Power and Social Classes, p. 191.

[4] Poulantzas, Nicos. Classes in Contemporary Capitalism (Translated from French version by David Fernbach). Verso, 1978, p. 93.

[5] The Poulantzas Reader: Marxism, Law and the State. Verso Books: London/New York, 2008, p. 284.

[6] Ibid, p. 285.

[7] Ibid, p. 285.

[8] C. Wright Mills. The Power Elite, New Edition. Oxford University Press: 2000, p. 76.

[9] Poulantzas, Political Power and Social Classes, p. 191

Corporatism 2.0: Wal-Mart and the Modern Corporate Business Structure

By Colin Jenkins

Quick... answer this question: Who pays Wal-Mart's workforce the money necessary for them to sustain? Independent franchisees? No. Wal-Mart's board of directors? Nope. Wal-Mart's shareholders? Not even close. The answer is us. You and I. In fact, on average, American taxpayers pay a staggering $2.66 billion dollars a year to Wal-Mart workers. [1] Why? Simply put, because they must eat. And, so Wal-Mart executives can keep more of the company's "profit" to themselves and their shareholders. How much profit? How about $16.4 billion in 2011 alone. [2]

Hence, the modern corporate business structure is upon us. As much nonsense as we must endure from right-wing politicians, outspoken Randian "libertarians," and hired financial guns about the powers of the "free market" and the rewards of "business savvy," the fact of the matter is that without a supportive State structure to prop them up, corporations like Wal-Mart would be in trouble. Well, not necessarily in "trouble." But, if these monstrosities were unable to rely on the "Welfare State" to supplement their workforce, they would most certainly be forced to pay a livable wage. And if so, in Wal-Mart's case, that $16.4 billion in shareholders' profit would probably look more like $4 billion. Not too shabby, especially for a family that currently owns $100 billion in accumulative wealth, which is more than 130,000,000 (yes, that's 130 million) Americans - roughly half of the entire country - combined can say for themselves. [3]

Of course, big business using the government as a tool for creating large amounts of profit is nothing new. The original robber barons, namely rail and banking tycoons at the turn of the 20th century, notoriously used the federal coffers to fatten their own pockets in the name of "public interest" and "investment projects." However, today's retail giants like Wal-Mart have unveiled a new brand of corporatism - one that goes beyond the in-your-face style of the government "contracts" of old. The arrival of Reagan's "Conservative Revolution" of the 1980s ushered in a new, sophisticated and sleek style of corporate entitlements. This neoliberal blueprint, which cries for "laissez faire" and "free markets" while secretly co-opting government - and which champions and "legitimizes" corporate power and privilege - has created nothing more than a Gilded Gomorrah; a landscape that places corporate entities on a pedestal, relieves them of any and all social responsibility, creates too-big-to-fail businesses and banks, and has cemented the seemingly absurd notion of "corporate personhood."

Corporatism 2.0, like any updated version, borrows the structure set by its predecessor, repairs and improves prior shortcomings, and adds new features that are designed to enhance experience and effectiveness. Building on a centuries-old foundation set by plantation tyrants, patroonships, feudal lords and industrial barons; modern-day corporations, despite their anti-government and anti-tax rhetoric, ultimately depend on the state to protect their private interests. Much like the privileged landowner of the past, who was "ardently individualistic in that he demanded, and was accorded, the unimpaired right to get land in any way he legally could, hold a monopoly of as much of it as he pleased, and dispose of it as he willed," [4] the corporate man of this era rests easily under the blanket of state power. And just as the old plantation lord asserted this "individualism," "calling upon Society, through its machinery of Government, for the enactment of particular laws, to guarantee him the sole possession of his (vast amounts of) land and uphold his claims and rights by force if necessary," so too does the modern corporate entity seek and receive unrestrained power. They "yoke society as a partner" as long as "society" allows them the power to accumulate as much as they wish. [5]

Despite the new trends that have accompanied these "upgrades," old-fashioned direct subsidies are still in play. For example, Wal-Mart has received public funds (taxpayers' money) "to build retail stores and a network of nearly 100 distribution centers to facilitate its expansion." In fact, "over 90% of the company's distribution centers have been subsidized by local, state and federal government." [6] A recent study conducted by Good Jobs First found "244 Wal-Mart subsidy deals with a total value of $1.008 billion;" and reported that "taxpayer dollars have helped individual stores and distribution centers with everything from free or cut-price land to general grants." One example provided in the report focused on Sharon Springs, N.Y., where "a distribution center made a deal with an industrial development agency for the agency to hold the legal title to the facility so Wal-Mart could evade property taxes - a deal which will ultimately save Wal-Mart about $46 million over the life of this one agreement." [7]

While the ideology of corporatism - and the many practices that accompany it - hasn't changed, the techniques have. Today's corporate structure relies heavily on covert activities, government legislation, and "activist judges" to carry out its agenda. The formation of "Super PACs" - legitimized by the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision - has joined "union busting," price gouging, and perhaps the newest trick in their bag - workforce supplementation via government welfare programs - to allow corporations like Wal-Mart to use the state in some ways, and to supersede it in others. The most recent update to this system of "socializing costs and privatizing gains" has been the introduction of "backdoor subsidies" which amount to indirect avenues of public subsidization. Like many corporations seeking to maximize their bottom line, Wal-Mart's executives convene regularly to discuss "business plans" and "strategic maneuvering." Since profit equals total revenue minus total cost (In the most basic economic sense), there are two elementary means to maximizing said profit: (1) increase revenue, and/or (2) decrease costs. And since a good chunk of a company's "costs" come in the form of paying its workforce - the less a company pays its workers, the more profit goes to its executives and shareholders.* Hence, the formation of a "business plan" that seeks to use the government "safety net" and "welfare" programs to offset the company's costs.

This "business plan" includes a concerted effort by Wal-Mart's executive headquarters and management to educate and refer their workforce to public assistance programs. A January 2012 Wal-Mart Associate Benefits book provides a directory so associates can locate their local Medicaid office. [8] "Instead of providing affordable health insurance, Wal-Mart encourages its employees to sign up for publicly funded programs, dodging its health care costs and passing them on to taxpayers," Jenna Wright explains. "The company is the poster child for a problem outlined in a 2003 AFL-CIO report on Wal-Mart's role in the healthcare crisis: "federal, state and local governments" - American taxpayers - must pick up the multi-billion-dollar tab for employees and dependents, especially children, of large and profitable employers who are forced to rely on public hospitals and other public health programs for care and treatment they need but cannot obtain under their employers' health plans." [9]

In order to maintain excessive rates of executive pay (Wal-Mart'sCEO, Mike Duke, gets paid 1,034 times morethan the median Wal-Mart worker, according to a new analysis by PayScale), and to avoid paying its workers' a livable wage (Half of Wal-Mart workers made less than $22,400 in 2012, according to PayScale, which is below poverty level for a family of four), the company relies on programs such as food stamps, Medicaid, HEAP and Section 8 rental assistance. [10] Because of this, "reliance by Wal-Mart workers on public assistance programs in California alone comes at a cost to the taxpayers of an estimated $86 million annually; this is comprised of $32 million in health related expenses and $54 million in other assistance." [11] On average, a single Wal-Mart location requires "$420,750 in tax dollars for employee assistance a year, working out to $2,103 per worker," to operate. Broken down, this includes: $36,000 a year for free or reduced school lunches (assuming that 50 families of employees qualify); $42,000 a year for Section 8 rental assistance (assuming that 3% of the store employees qualify); $125,000 a year for federal tax credits and deductions for low-income families (assuming that 50 employees are heads of households with a child, and 50 employees are married with two children); $108,000 a year for the additional federal contribution to state children's health insurance programs (assuming that 30 employees with an average of two children qualify); $100,000 a year for additional Title I expenses (assuming 50 families with two children qualify); and $9,750 a year for the additional costs of low-income energy assistance. [12] On a national scale, these "backdoor subsidies" amount to $2.66 billion annually in Food Stamps and other taxpayer assistance, and over $1.02 billion a year in healthcare costs. [13]

During a time when the working class has essentially become the "working poor," we, as a society, are confronted with only a few options. We can either demand that corporations like Wal-Mart, who are enjoying record-breaking profit margins year after year, start paying a livable wage to their workers,or we must pay Wal-Mart's workforce for them. As the stock market continues to rise to unprecedented levels - a reflection of the immense success being enjoyed at the very top of the socio-economic ladder - and considering that Wal-Mart's CEO, executive team and shareholders are major benefactors of this "success," the latter choice really shouldn't be an option. Like the majority of us who must participate in a system that compels us to sell ourselves for wages in order to sustain, Wal-Mart's workforce deserves, at the very least, the dignity of earning a living. And we, as taxpayers, owe it to ourselves to demand that Wal-Mart starts paying livable wages and stops forcing their operational costs onto us. If you accept the status quo, you've already been taken. And after your next trip to Wal-Mart, as you walk out staring at your receipt in admiration, keep in mind that you've already paid for those "savings."


* It's important to tackle the misconception that labor costs have a direct effect on the prices of goods - in other words, higher wages will automatically equal higher prices on goods - a notion that is simply not true, especially considering the retail scale and profit margin of a company like Wal-Mart, where there is a substantial pool of top-tier profits that come into play long before consumer prices should.

[1] [Arindrajit Dube, Phd, and Ken Jacobs. Hidden Cost of Wal-mart Jobs: Use of Safety Net Programs by Wal-Mart workers in California. UC Berkeley Labor Center, August 2, 2004.

[2] Ibid

[3] Reagan's "Welfare Queen" FOUND! Monday, 03 December 2012. By Thom Hartmann and Sam Sacks The Daily Take

[4] Myers, Vol 1, pp. 104-105

[5] Ibid

[6] Shopping for Subsidies: How Wal-Mart uses Taxpayers money to fund its never-ending growth. Philip Mattera and Anna Purinton, Good Jobs First, May 2004.

[7] Ibid

[8] Why Wal-Mart Loves Welfare, California Progress Report. Bobbi Murray, 3/14/12

[9] Wal-Mart Welfare: How taxpayers subsidize the world's largest retailer. Jenna Wright, Dollars and Sense magazine, January/February 2005.

[10] Walmart's CEO Paid 1,034 Times More Than The Median Walmart Worker: PayScale The Huffington Post | By Bonnie Kavoussi Posted: 03/29/2013 1:18 pm EDT

[11] Arindrajit Dube, Phd, and Ken Jacobs, 2004.

[12] Everyday Low Wages: The Hidden Price we all Pay for Wal-Mart
A Report by the democratic staff of the Committee on Education and the workforce -
US House of Representatives, February 16, 2004.

[13] How Does That Make Any Sense? Jill Klausen. The Winning Words Project, 2012.